New Glarus Middle School- 1st Day of School Math Lesson

On Friday, September 1st, the 2023-2024 school year started and the year started with a short Math lesson from Dr. Eichelkraut during morning announcements.  The lesson included:

1st Day Of School Math Lesson

Everyone gets 1 opportunity at middle school.
The current life expectancy is 76 years.
That is approximately 27,740 sunrises and sunsets.
You only get 525 of those days in middle school.

To put that in perspective, in your lifetime, you will spend
  • approximately 650 days in a bathroom.
  • almost 5 years of your life eating.
  • over 11 years looking at screens
  • 13 years of your life at work
But middle school is only 525 days.
That boils down to a little over a year.
It is approximately 1.8% of your life.
Yet this 1.8% will impact the last 82.5% of your life.

We only spend 47.9% of our year in school.
We only spend 22% of our week in school.
We only spend 31% of our day in school.
These percentages are all less than 50%, but can impact 100% of your days afterwards.

Additionally, studies show that you will meet and interact with 80,000 in our lifetime.
That is just more than 1,000 per year with that 76 year life expectancy.
In middle school, there are 250 students, which is .003% of the people you will meet in your life.

This number provides a perspective. These 250 people can be the kindest and most impactful people you will ever meet. They may be the ones you never forget. But, if by chance they are not, you will meet many more.

So with those numbers in mind, since we are only here for 31% of our day and only 22% of our week, doesn’t it make sense to give it 100% of our effort? We are requiring a small investment of time, for a potentially a very large dividend. Be resilient, as this is merely a small part of your life. Don’t waste this opportunity.

In addition, you are going to remember your classmates and your teachers. Unlike people we meet and merely interact with, that 1.8% of our time will be spent together. Doesn’t it make sense to leave a positive impression? To respect, to help, to lift up? We all have this opportunity and the time is now to be kind and to make someone’s day.

On this first day, the numbers are all around us and the Math is simple. If you add all of our staff along with all of our students it equals a great opportunity. When everyone gives their best every day, that number grows exponentially. Let’s aim for 100% for 175 days!

Have a great year!


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