Knight Lesson of the Week For The Week of January 29th- Be Responsible and Be On Time With Materials

This week's Knight lesson is to Be Responsible - be on time with materials. In school, this means coming to class ready and prepared to learn. This includes:

  • Come to class with your Chromebook charged.
  • Arriving with the necessary materials (notebooks, pencils, etc.)
  • Ready to participate and be a part of the class.

When you are not prepared or on time, then it becomes a distraction to you and those around you. On the flip side, when you come prepared it starts you off on the right track for class. The same can be said for outside of school. If you are going to a sports practice or a job and you do not have the correct attire on or you come in late, then you may be ‘off your game’ the whole time.

Being on time and prepared also helps you to be more productive and professional to those around you. It shows others that you are a reliable member of the team. Let's have a great week, Knights!


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